How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately – 4 Trusted Methods


How To Stop Hair Fall and Increase Hair Growth

Struggling with hair loss? If so, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s pretty obvious that we all dream of having that shiny, super gorgeous hair we usually see on TV commercials but unfortunately, hair loss has become a stumbling block on our path to having healthy, shiny locks. Hair loss is a very common problem that affects millions of men and women around the world. Every woman knows that losing strands of hair on a daily basis can be distressing and downright terrifying since the hair is a significant symbol of beauty.

In this article, we’re going to share excellent tips on how to put an end to this pesky problem once and for all. However, before we proceed let us understand all that has to do with hair loss so you can get a clearer picture of the problem.

Types of Hair Loss

For starters, it’s an excellent job to get a better idea of the basics about hair growth. Every hair is grown by a hair follicle, on the average, we have about 100,000 to 150,000 of them set deep within our scalp growing hair. Everyone has a normal hair life cycle which lasts two to three years. One thing you should know is that at any given point in time, 90 percent of the average human hair is growing on the scalp and the remaining 10 percent is in a resting phase.

As humans, we tend to lose some strands of hair every day. So you shouldn’t be alarmed when you see some strands of hair coming off your scalp when you brush daily. On an average, we lose about 80 to 100 strands on a daily basis. However, some people may be experiencing abnormal hair loss.

1. Permanent Hair Loss: –

A particular condition known as Androgenetic alopecia happens to be the most standard type of hair loss, and it’s a genetic condition. This condition is caused when enzymes in the body transform the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. DHT has a negative effect of binding to genetically weak hair follicles and gets worse over time as it leads to continuous shrinking and permanent breaking of the follicle until the hair is perpetually stopped from growing. Androgenetic alopecia affects both men and women; in essence, it causes both male pattern baldness as well as female pattern baldness. However, it appears differently in both males and females.

Male Pattern Baldness: This type of baldness is linked to men’s genes and sex hormones. It typically follows a pattern of receding hairline line and hair loss on the crown and at the temples in men. Male pattern baldness can start at the early 20s, and typically affects the temples to eventually cause partial or complete baldness both on the top and sides of the scalp.

Female Pattern Baldness: Hair thinning is different from that of male pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia rarely results in total baldness in women. It leads to thinning of hair on the top and sides of the scalp. Moreover, the receding hairline which is common in men rarely happens to women with androgenetic alopecia.

2. Temporary Hair Loss:-

# Telogen Effluvium is a common type of temporary hair loss in women. People with Telogen Effluvium experience hair shedding and tend to lose a handful of hair while washing or brushing their hair. This condition is usually triggered by a shock to the system such as intense stress, illness or nutritional deficiencies. These situations cause hair loss by affecting the normal hair growth and shifting hair into the Telogen phase also known as the resting or shedding phase. Telogen Effluvium can be a bit tricky to detect as the hair loss can occur immediately, a couple of weeks or even a month after the stressful event. The good news is that the natural hair cycles will return to normal once the incident is over.

# Alopecia Areata is yet another form of temporary hair loss. It’s a common auto-immune disorder that often results in sudden hair loss. Alopecia Areata can occur on the scalp, facial hair or even hair in other parts of the body. This autoimmune condition creates hair loss in localized patches, but in some cases, it can affect the entire scalp (Alopecia Totalis) or even the entire body (Alopecia Universalis).

# Traction Alopecia is another type of temporary hair loss that’s typically under your control. Just as the name suggests, it’s hair loss caused by or due to traction or pulling. This is a type of hair loss that happens over time. It is caused when you subject the hair to unnecessary tension and pressure such as pulling the hair or continuous use of tight hairstyles that may likely strain or damage hair follicles. As we mentioned earlier, this type of hair loss is entirely under your control. This means that hair growth should return to normal once you stop the habit of putting too much strain on the hair follicles.

Causes Of Hair Loss

1. Labour:-

Hair loss is common in women, especially after delivery. Why? Well, during pregnancy the hormone estrogen happens to be at its peak, so you’re sure to see a full head of hair. But after the baby is born, the hormones return to their normal phase which may result in sudden hair loss. The good news is that hair loss, in this case, is temporary as hair growth is sure to return to normal after a few weeks.

2. Unhealthy Hair Etiquette:-

This is a no-brainer. We should all know that excessive use of hair products such as sprays, gels, mousse or hair styling tools like curling iron can hurt or even damage the hair shaft and consistent usage can affect its growth.

3. Anemia:-

Anemia happens as a result of iron deficiency in one’s diet. Heavy menstruation or lack of folic acid in women may experience anemia. These situations hamper the production of hemoglobin which in turn affects the supply of oxygen to your organs. Finally, when oxygen fails to reach your hair follicles, they get fragile and break easily, and the resultant effect is hair loss.

4. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:-

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS is yet another cause of hair loss in women. This is a situation caused by the over-secretion of androgen or male hormones which form small fluid sacs in the ovaries. These sacs are known as cysts. These hormonal imbalances in the body negatively affect hair growth.

5. Extreme Weight-loss:-

You might not know this but shedding a lot of weight in an instant can adversely loves the growth of your hair. Why? It’s simply because some of these diets emphasize the avoidance of foods or put a ban on certain foods which may inadvertently impact hair growth.

6. Menopause:-

A woman’s body experience a lot of changes once she hits menopause including hair loss. Women experience hair fall during menopause due to low levels of estrogen in the body. Be sure to adopt and maintain a clean diet, and use mild shampoos and conditioners.

7. Medications:-

Women on birth control pills can also experience side effects like hair loss if they suddenly stop using them. It’s also important to note that other therapies and hormonal pills can have a similar effect. There are several drugs that may lead to thinning of hair including:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Birth control pills
  • Thyroid drugs
  • Diet pills
  • Anticoagulants
  • Cholesterol pills such as Gemfibrozil, clofibrate among others.
  • Aleve or ibuprofen
  • Ulcer drugs such as famotidine, ranitidine, etc.

8. Lack of Protein:-

Inadequate intake of protein-rich foods can also lead to hair fall. This is because our hair is made up of a protein known as keratin. In essence, we need to supplement our bodies with foods rich in protein to keep our hair healthy and strong. Failure to do this can lead to weak strands which tend to fall prematurely.

9. Medical conditions such as thyroid disease and autoimmune disease:-

The thyroid gland is responsible for the secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones which essential for the healthy growth and development of our body. An individual suffering from hypo or hyperthyroidism experiences excess or low secretion of these hormones which can lead to other problems if not treated on time. Hair loss is one of the problems due to various irregular changes taking place in your body. On the other hand, an autoimmune disease is a situation where the body creates antibodies to fight our cells and tissues. The hair is also attacked in the process leading to hair loss.

10. Other chronic medical conditions:-

Health issues such as psoriasis and diabetes can also lead to hair loss. For starters, psoriasis is a skin condition which affects the scalp and hair follicles. Diabetes also disturbs the body’s normal circulatory system. This implies that little amount of oxygen and nutrients reach the upper and lower areas of the body. In essence, nutrients and oxygen do not reach the scalp and feet. If diabetes affects the circulation of blood to the scalp, the hair follicles will die which then results in hair loss.

While it’s completely okay to shed between 60 to 100 strands daily, anything above this range over a particular period of time can lead to hair fall. All in all, if you notice that your hair sheds beyond the reasonable rate, be sure to get yourself checked for any underlying condition that might be causing the hair loss.

Proven Ways to Stop Hair Fall Immediately and Increase Hair Growth

Mehod – 1:  Quit Damaging Your Hair

1. Limit your use of dyes and chemicals –

Constant use of hair coloring chemicals can cause damage your hair. It’s recommended not to color your hair more than every four to six weeks. Most times, we tend to run to dyes when our hair goes gray, but it’s actually better to let it turn gray than to dye it.

2. Cut down on hair dryers –

This is a no-brainer. Heat has a negative effect on hair proteins. Frequent heating and drying weaken the hair and cause hair fall. For the most part, natural drying is ideal for your hair, so be sure to let it dry naturally rather than using heat.

3. Stay away from perms-

Both chemical straightening and curling can damage your hair. Applying relaxers to your hair can lead to dryness and brittleness. It’s pretty obvious that dry and brittle hair only leads to hair loss.

4. Say no to bleaching- 

One sure way to remove the natural pigment in your hair is through bleaching. When you bleach, you’re altering the structure of your hair and making it prone to damage. In essence, bleaching your hair only weakens it, and as we know, weak strands are more susceptible to hair fall.

5. Wash hair with mild shampoo – 

Washing your hair helps keep it the scalp clean and less susceptible to hair fall. However, try not to wash your hair on a daily basis since shampoo can strip the hair of its natural oils and that’s not part of the plan! Moreover, always use a mild shampoo when washing your hair, this is crucial. It’s also imperative to get shampoo that matches your hair type. Check if you have dry, fine, greasy or normal hair and test a few different ones that work for your hair. Moreover, if you color your hair or have dandruff, be sure to get a shampoo that’s specially meant for it.

6. Quit straining your hair – 

Some hairstyles are the primary culprits that trigger hair loss. For instance, hairstyles that require clips, elastics or tight pulling can cause hair fall if done on a regular basis. Wearing hairstyles such as tight braids, tight ponytails, plaits, and cornrows can cause significant hair loss.

7. Try scalp massage  – 

It’s also a very good idea to do a scalp massage with nourishing oils such as rosemary, olive, coconut, almond or lavender oil. This will boost blood flow to the surface of your scalp and hair follicles. Massaging your scalp warms the skin and increase blood circulation, and by so doing, the cells in the follicles gets lots of nutrients which in turn boost hair growth potential.

8. Brush your hair with care – 

The way you brush your hair can also determine its overall condition. It’s recommended to go for a soft brush made from natural fibers and be sure to brush from underside out and not otherwise. Try to be as gentle as possible and don’t pull too hard. Never brush your hair when it’s wet, go for a comb instead.

Method – 2: Stick to a Balanced Diet for Healthy Hair

1. Adopt a healthy balanced diet – 

It’s pretty obvious to know that consuming the right foods can keep you, your hair and scalp healthy. In simple terms, you’re sure to have healthy hair if your body is healthy. It’s very possible to reduce or slow down hair loss by adopting a healthy diet filled with fruits and veggies. Just be sure to revamp your diet, trust me, that’s a good start.

2. Increase your protein intake  – 

You can never go wrong with protein when it comes to growing strong and healthy hair. In fact, inadequate intake of protein can lead to dry and fragile hair which eventually ends with hair loss. Sufficient protein can help supply the amino acids that strengthen the hair. While protein tends to be included in some shampoos, it’s actually the protein from your diet that will enhance the condition of your hair and keep hair loss at bay. Good sources of protein include poultry, milk, seafood, pork, eggs, beans, cheese, lean beef, protein bars, etc.

Moreover, vegans, dairy-free consumers, and others can get excellent non-animal protein from peanut butter, tofu, brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, lentils, nuts, broccoli, and beans.

3. Eat lots of iron – 

Iron is yet another essential nutrient you must consume to your body healthy. Inadequate amount of iron in your diet can lead to anemia; this condition disrupts the flow of nutrients to your hair follicles thereby leading to hair loss. To be on the safer side, be sure to consume iron-rich foods on a regular basis. Eat both irons in animal and plant sources such as red meat, fish, chicken, kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.

4. Be sure to get enough Omega-3 fatty acids – 

Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in keeping hair healthy and also prevents hair from getting dry and brittle. These fats are located in cells that line your scalp, and also help keep both your hair and scalp hydrated. They are very vital fats that your body cannot produce by itself, so you have to obtain them through your diet.

  • Let your diet be filled with lots of deep sea fish that contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Such fishes include mackerel, tuna, and salmon.
  • You can also obtain these acids by eating seeds and nuts, especially walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds.

5. Consume plenty of Vitamin C – 

Foods rich in Vitamin C promote better absorption of Iron, so be sure to mix iron-rich foods with those rich in Vitamin C to get most out of iron. Vitamin C also boost collagen production which in turn supports the capillaries which supply your hair shafts. Excellent sources of Vitamin C include Citrus fruit, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.

6. Eat foods rich in Biotin – 

Biotin is also vital for your hair. A deficiency can lead to dryness as well as accelerated hair loss. You can find biotin in liver, whole grains, soy, egg white, yeast, flour, and walnuts. Moreover, whole grains are excellent sources of zinc. A lack of zinc in your diet can also add to your hair problems.

7. Go for healthy supplements – 

You should also consider taking supplements to prevent hair loss, but be sure to talk with your medical practitioner first. Supplements you should inquire about include biotin, Vitamin C, inositol and saw palmetto. These supplements are not quick fixes, but they can help boost the nutrients in your body which help prevent hair loss.

Method -3: Scalp Massage to Increase Hair Growth

Massaging your scalp is yet another sure way to cut down on stress levels and boost blood flow to hair follicles. A good scalp massage can open up the blood vessels to promote blood flow which in turn increases the amount of nutrients essential for proper hair growth.

How To do a scalp massage – 

1. For starters, you should choose the right massage oil that suits your scalp. There are lots of oils available on the market but be sure to choose the one that’s relevant to your hair problem.

2. Now warm the oil. You can easily do this by pouring it in a small dish and placing the same over a bowl of hot water.

3. Dip your fingers in the oil and apply it to every part of your scalp before starting the massage. For best results, be sure to start by massaging around your hairline and go all the way to the back of your head by rubbing your fingers in a circular motion. Do not be hard on your scalp; start slowly and then increase the pressure little by little.

4. Be sure to massage the sides as well as the top of your head until the entire scalp is well conditioned. Increasing the pressure of the massage will get rid of dead skin cells and also boost circulation. Allow the oil to rest on your scalp for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.

Method – 4:  Trusted Home Remedies to Stop Hair Fall Immediately

1. Honey and Olive Oil – 

  • Get a bowl and add two tablespoons of honey and olive oil.
  • Mix well and add a tablespoon of cinnamon powder to the same and stir to a paste.
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp and hair and allow to sit for 20 to 25 minutes.

This mixture does an excellent job of soothing your hair and helps promote hair growth. Be sure to apply this mixture on a weekly basis to see visible results.

2. Coconut milk – 

Coconut milk is very rich in properties that nourish hair tissues, and it also help reduce hair loss.

  • Scrape fresh coconut and grind the scrapings in a blender.
  • Now squeeze the paste to get the coconut milk.
  • Then apply the same on your hair and scalp and allow to sit for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Massage your scalp with the coconut milk.

Doing this will help reduce and prevent hair fall. Be sure to apply the milk on the scalp once every week for best results.

3. Neem Leaves Juice – 

Neem leaves are one of the most potent herbs in India thanks to its amazing medicinal properties. It’s also very useful in treating hair loss in both men and women.

  • Get some fresh neem leaves and boil in water until the water reduces to at least half its initial quantity.
  • Let the water cool off for some time and then use the same to wash your hair and scalp.
  • Repeat the entire process once or twice a week to prevent hair loss.

4. Egg White and Yogurt Paste – 

  • Get two eggs and extract the egg white of the same.
  • Pour the egg white into a bowl and add two tablespoons of fresh yogurt to the bowl.
  • Mix well and then add a tablespoon of neem powder to the mixture.
  • Apply the same to your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and repeat the process every week to prevent hair loss.

5. Aloe Vera and Neem Paste – 

  • Get an aloe vera plant and extract the fresh juice from the same. Add dried neem leaf powder to the mixture.
  • Mix it well and then add few drops of herbal amla oil to the mixture.
  • Apply this mixture on every part of your hair and scalp.
  • Allow to sit for 30 minutes and then wash it off.
  • Repeat once or twice a week for healthy lustrous hair.

6. Indian Gooseberry – 

  • Prepare a mixture of coconut oil and dried amla.
  • Heat the same until the color of the oil turns black.
  • Let it cool and then apply on your scalp.
  • Massage the mixture into your scalp for about 10 minutes.
  • Allow it to sit on your scalp for 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.
  • Repeat the entire process once a week for effective results.

7. Lime Seeds –

The combination of lime seeds and black pepper is yet another home remedy which is effective in covering small bare patches on your scalp.

  • Grind the dried lime seeds to powder form and add the same to freshly grounded pepper powder.
  • Add a small amount of water to these powders and mix to a smooth paste.
  • Apply the mixture to areas of your scalp where hair loss is prominent and massage properly.
  • Repeat the entire process at least once a week to see desired results.

8. Onion and Honey – 

  • Slice an onion in half and evenly apply the juice on your scalp.
  • Now get some honey and apply generously all over your scalp, and massage.
  • Leave it for a few minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the process at least once in ten days to prevent hair loss.

9. Coconut Oil – 

Applying coconut oil on your hair and scalp on a daily basis is one sure way to stop hair fall. Be sure to massage your scalp with warm coconut oil every day for a few minutes. Doing this will help nourish your scalp and boost blood flow which in turn prevent hair loss. You can also use neem oil, almond oil, jojoba and mustard oil.

Busting Some Hair Loss Myths

Myth 1 – Washing Your Hair Regularly

It’s true that washing your hair unnecessarily can cause dryness and brittleness but trust me; that’s not the cause of the hair fall you’re experiencing.

Myth 2 – There’s Something Wrong With Your Genes

Let’s face it. Your hair loss has nothing to do with your two ‘X’chromosomes. In essence, you’re still a woman, so keep believing that and keep your head high.

Myth 3 – Brushing

Common, this is hilarious don’t you think? Brushing has nothing to do with baldness. Well, it’s true that it will make your hair frizzy but you won’t possibly go bald! Trust me on this.

Myth 4 – Shaving Your Head

One thing you should know is that shaving your head doesn’t cause baldness. However, you shouldn’t expect your hair to be thicker when it grows back.

Myth 5 – Coloring and Hair Treatment

Every woman love to have fun with different cool hairstyles and that’s not a crime. So, perming, coloring and straightening is totally fine as long as don’t overdo it. In essence, all these hair treatments are not going to lead to hair loss as long you do them in moderation.